Author: Ames

Amusements, BookWom

Book Review: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

Amy Chua, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, New York:The Penguin Press, 2011. This book is a memoir, not a parenting guide. This was my repeated explanation as to why I–a single, childless, underemployed young attorney–was reading Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. I was relieved to see […]

Devotionals, Work and Lead

Ann Arbor In My Life

Nine years ago I received a letter in the mail dated February 14, 2003. The first line read something to the effect of “Congratulations! We’re happy to inform you that you have been accepted to the University of Michigan…” I didn’t think of the letter much when I received it. […]

Food, Photos

Magnificent Morning Muffins

When relaying the story of how I burned my nose, I mentioned that I was salvaging some vegetables. What I didn’t explain was that I had to come up with several recipes on the fly to salvage a whole bunch of fruit and veggies. My family had been on a […]

2011, Journal, Year In Review

2011 YIR: Trajectory

2011 ended as it began, attending GYC. And GYC is why some of these posts, though written ahead of time, were not shared until after the New Year. Finally, we’ve reached the end. Honestly, I haven’t been that aware of the passing of the New Year over the last several […]

Journal, Typical Ames

Sweatpant Couture

When I moved to Virginia three and a half years ago, I was shocked to see how nicely people dressed, all the time. Growing up in Michigan, it seemed as soon as the temperature dropped below 40 degrees, the automatic garb was jeans and a hoodie–and that was relatively dressed […]