Author: Ames

Journal, Typical Ames

Sixth Grade Justice

Depending on how things go with this election, the United States Supreme Court may finally review whether I should have been awarded a point on a quiz in sixth grade. Allow me to explain. As was bound to happen, someone has filed a lawsuit challenging whether Ted Cruz can serve […]

Journal, Typical Ames

Resolved: 2016

I’ve never been one for new year’s resolutions. Today, that didn’t change. But a few things that I would really like to make realities in my life came to mind as I was cooking this evening. And it’s still January, so I supposed it’s not too late to dub these […]

Amusements, BookWom

A BookWom Birthday

At my age, birthdays usually give way from parties and presents to dinners out and someone else doing the chores for the evening. So imagine my surprise when I arrived home yesterday (my birthday) to find a box from Amazon waiting on our stoop. “Did you order anything?” my husband […]

Amusements, BookWom

4 Reasons to Read With Your Ears

If it had not been for on-line digital libraries, I probably would not have embraced audio books the way that I have. As a child, my parents purchased numerous audio children’s books that had a corresponding hard copy book, and whenever the special little jingle rang, I knew it was […]

Amusements, BookWom

Remember the Library

Even though we had shelves and shelves full of books in our own home, there was something enchanting about going to the library. The one at school was exciting, though small, and quickly its contents were essentially memorized. My high school’s library lacked charm, given it was the access point […]