
At Home, deClutter, Journal

The Move: Status Update

My family will probably be arriving in Charlottesville a week from today to help me pack up my belongings and move them to storage until I figure out where I land after the bar. Hard to believe that in less than 10 days I will no longer be living in […]


But-For Cause

I am in the midst of bar review. And it’s intense. Recently I was reviewing for torts. For those who don’t know the law, the best way to describe a tort is to consider it an injury, whether to your person, your property, your reputation, or your mind. There are […]


Grown Up

Today, I had a flashback as I watched one of my lifelong best friendsĀ  kneel with her new husband as the pastor prayed with them at the end of the wedding service. Though we were praying, I decided not to close my eyes. And a memory of the fifth grade […]

Journal, Typical Ames

The End of the Road

I just attended my last law school class. At the end of it, just an hour ago, my professor asked the 3Ls to stand. She and the other students applauded, and she thanked us for giving our time to UVA. I don’t know why, but it was such a touching […]



“The purest joy springs from the deepest humiliation. The strongest and noblest characters are built on the foundation of patience, love, and submission to God’s will.” —Acts of the Apostles 319. Just this morning I prayed for God to work in me a strong and noble character. It’s been my […]