Typical Ames

2011, Journal, Typical Ames, Year In Review

2011 YIR: Themes

Sometimes practically applying the knowledge that you’ve learned seems hopelessly impossible. Sure, the words on the page, the pictures in the diagram, the description from the person with more experience makes sense. But when you take what you’ve been told and try to put it into practice, sometimes you just […]

Typical Ames

Hurry Up and Slow Down!

I realized something over the last couple of weeks. I can trace many accidents in my life to being in a hurry. Two recent ones provide a good example. A couple of weeks ago I was running late for bible study. My dad’s car was parked behind mine. He had […]

Typical Ames


I’ve heard it said that the average man uses only 20,000 words a day, while the average woman uses 60,000 words a day (though a Google search produced websites that say this may be more parable than verified scientific fact). I don’t know how many words a day I typically […]

Journal, Typical Ames

The End of the Road

I just attended my last law school class. At the end of it, just an hour ago, my professor asked the 3Ls to stand. She and the other students applauded, and she thanked us for giving our time to UVA. I don’t know why, but it was such a touching […]

Food, Photos, Typical Ames

It’s Freezing!

So I realize I’m about two weeks late for the whole “Best of 2010” blog post. But as I enjoyed my lunch today, I realized that there is one thing I learned in 2010 that has changed my life, and it is something worth sharing: I learned to freeze my […]