Resolved: 2016

I’ve never been one for new year’s resolutions.

Today, that didn’t change. But a few things that I would really like to make realities in my life came to mind as I was cooking this evening. And it’s still January, so I supposed it’s not too late to dub these intentions as “resolutions” and jump on the new year bandwagon.

Here’s a peek at what I’m hoping for 2016.

Go Analogue 

I’ve been listening to an audiobook the last few days (stay tuned for the BookWom review–hopefully), and in it the author describes her journaling process as she made some major changes in her life. It made me realize that for the last two plus years, I have not been a journaler–even though that is something that I have always been. I could blame not journaling on being married now. But how many times, in the minutes before bed, do I not find myself furiously scribbling in my latest journal, but rather browsing Facebook, Feedly, or Instagram? How often is my journey down memory lane not accomplished by flipping through hand written pages in various shades of ink, but rather scrolling through “Memories” curated by Facebook?

Though it’s tempting to linger online these days (hubby upgraded me to a MacBook Air as an anniversary present, putting my 2008 MacBook out to pasture), I want to resolve to write more in my journal, marking different parts of my experience as I go, using as a form of accountability as well as a record of progress (and even disappointment and failure).

Move It

I don’t really know how it happened. My last year and a half of law school, exercise became a habit. And I loved it. The habit stuck for quite some time. But slowly, as these things often go, my habits changed, and I have found myself in a pretty sedentary existence these days. I miss being the person counting down the minutes until I could leave the office or classroom, lace up my tennis shoes and go for a run. Right now it’s a general resolution, but at this point it’s what I need. I want to move more, and I want to have fun doing it.

Face Time

Technology has also made it really easy to keep in touch with people–without really connecting at all. Recent time spent with Mo’s siblings and parents, as well as a two weekends in a row spent with good girlfriends makes me realize that I want to have more meaningful connections. I’ve already reached out to a couple of people to start working on this. I have to do that, because as an introvert, a resolution like this can conveniently be forgotten. Even introverts need human contact, though.


Even though I am now officially retired from GYC’s day-to-day leadership, I want to memorize the book of Ecclesiastes with other GYCers. I’m so excited about next year’s theme, and the book of Ecclesiastes has always been a favorite. I’m already only six verses shy of knocking out chapter 1.

So that’s it. Nothing big and fancy. Just a little update on how I hope things will go for the next 353 days. Stay tuned!


One Comment

  1. Nice! I have too many goals for this year…