Tag: lessons learned

Journal, Work and Lead

Green Grass

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. That’s the colloquialism, isn’t it? And so true. While I’ve kept busy since taking the bar exam in many ways, I still feel unsettled, like I’m still on pause until the next step. But I have no idea […]


But-For Cause

I am in the midst of bar review. And it’s intense. Recently I was reviewing for torts. For those who don’t know the law, the best way to describe a tort is to consider it an injury, whether to your person, your property, your reputation, or your mind. There are […]

Food, Photos, Typical Ames

It’s Freezing!

So I realize I’m about two weeks late for the whole “Best of 2010” blog post. But as I enjoyed my lunch today, I realized that there is one thing I learned in 2010 that has changed my life, and it is something worth sharing: I learned to freeze my […]