Summer Reflections

The last several days have been blazing hot here in Michigan, tempting me to wish that the temperature would drop a few degrees–or more. But I try to remind myself that not that long ago I was complaining how unusually cold it was for May and June and wishing that summer would get here already.

I love summer. It’s not my favorite season (I’m an autumn girl all the way). But something happens in the summer. I feel more alive. More creative. Suddenly everything feels possible. Probably because I am no longer Vitamin D deficient, the daily dose of sunshine far better than any supplement the doctor prescribed.

Having grown up with teachers as parents, my mind continues to operate on a September – August calendar. Summers still feel as if they should mean less work and more play. Yet Mo and I have no real vacation planned this summer. Despite this, I do feel like we have been intentional to enjoy the season in a way that is restorative and enjoyable. This has meant many day trips to Lake Michigan. Homemade popsicles that drip down our fingers. Special outings to museums and gardens. Devouring book after book. Savoring the lingering evening sunshine that feels like it will never set.

But the sun is hurrying to its rest a little earlier each day. On the summer solstice, an author I follow mentioned that from here on out, the days will only be getting shorter until December. Which made me think: isn’t it interesting that just as summer hits its stride, the days begin to shorten? And as winter entrenches itself for the long haul, the days begin to lengthen, bringing more light?  The summer sun warns of harder days to come, while the winter sun rises with hope for better and brighter days ahead.

The sun is setting outside my living room window as I write these words, its retreating rays leaving me in a particularly pensive mood. Why am I bothering to not just reflect on this subject, but do so publicly? I don’t know. Well, that’s not true. I do know why. Because I wanted to. Post that is. And rather than wait to have something (practical) to say, I decided to just share what’s on my mind. That’s the point, even if the rest of the post doesn’t have much of one.

As I think of the weeks between now and Labor Day, there are a few more things I would like to do. Definitely several more beach trips. A road trip. A day at the fair in my hometown for my little guy. More books. More dreaming. And hopefully finding more things to say.


What have you done this summer? What reflections has the season brought to mind? 



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