Week Links

Hello there! Though not visible to you yet, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes here, and I’m looking forward to sharing with you more soon! Hang on to your hats, because it’s safe to say that you will be seeing more regular posting here by the end of the calendar year. Hurrah!

In the meantime, here are some things from around the web I found interesting this week. Enjoy!

Fascinating information on how little ones learn to recognize faces.

A book brigade saves the day!

In case you’re looking for a reason to opt out next year, Halloween candy is bad for rain forests.


The quest for the best jarred pasta sauce.

Tips for starting a journaling practice.

Um, this looks delicious. Just add some vanilla bean ice cream!

They look Christmasy to me.

What would you do if your phone number started with 666?

The holidaysare almost here. This is an excellent primer on gift giving.

I am the 9.3%. At least my little one is with my most days for the trip. And yes to podcasts and audiobooks.

What did you read this week that amused you? And if you have any topics you’d like to hear my musings on as you wait for more regular content to appear, please share in the comments below!

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